Faculty Achievements

1. Faculties from each department are encouraging, enthusiastic, hardworking, sincere, honest and always helping and guiding the M.D. and Ph.D. scholars in various ways like pharmaceutical, chemical, experimental pharmacology, pathological, basic principal and clinical application of Ayurvedic medicine.

2. Students from undergraduate colleges of Ayurveda, Unani, Botany, Pharma do visit this institute for educational purpose.

3. Nursing training (ANM) visit for knowledge AYUSH system of medicine.

4. Various DST under Govt. of W.B. DBT unit W.B. and ICMR projects under Govt. of India, along with EMR projects are going on under the supervision of Dr. Mradu Gupta in the dept. of dravyaguna.

5. Regular interactive seminars are organised by faculties for students and here case to case clinical experiences are shared to encourage students.

6. Faculties also attend various national & international seminars, workshop, CME & ROTP presentation as guest speaker.

7. M.D. students of modern science, MSC & PhD students from Calcutta University, Rajabazar Science College are also getting guidance for phytochemical, experimental animal research studies.

8. Clinical application of Anorectal disease, Panchakarma along with various diseases are treating in OPD & IPD in traditional way of Ayurveda.

9. Faculties are sincerely do participate in various medical health camps to spread awareness of health to people through Ayurveda.

10. Identification of medicinal plants & standardization of Ayurvedic medicine faculties take field tour, pharmaceutical companies with students.

11. More than 5000 general visitors are giving good remarks for herbal garden.